Manual Detergent Dispenser
Your dishwashercomesequippedwith a manualdispenser and, on somemodels, an automatic liquiddishwasher detergentdispenser(SmartDispenseTM). You can use either of these dispensers, but don’tuse both at the sametime.
Manual Detergent
For heavilysoiled loads,use a bit moredetergent.For water temperaturesabove140°F(60°C),use a bit lessdetergent.
| Medium | Medium | Extremely |
Soft | Soft | Hard | Hard |
For heavily soiled loads, use the Pots and Pans or Heavy Wash cycle.
The coverof the main washsectionwill openduring the wash cycle.If you are using SmartDispenseTM, leave the cover of the main wash section dispenseropenbefore starting the cycle.
You may use powder,liquid, gel or tablets in the manual dispenser.It is important to keep powdered detergents and tablets freshand dry so theydon’tlose effectiveness. Therefore,do not put detergentinto the manualdispenser until you areready to wash dishes.
Filling Manual DetergentDispenserThe amountof detergentto use dependson whether your wateris hard or soft. With hard water,you needextra detergent. With soft water,you needlessdetergent.
Protect yourdishesand dishwasherby contactingyour waterdepartmentand asking how hard yourwateris. Twelve or moregrainsis extremely hard water.A water softeneris recommended. Withoutit, lime can build up in the water valve, whichcouldstick while openand cause flooding. Too much detergentwith softwater can causea permanentcloudinessof glassware, called etching.
Use the information in the table below as a guide to determine the amountof automatic dishwasherdetergent to place in the dispenser.Youmay use powder,liquid, gel or tablets in this dispenser.
When usingautomaticdishwashingdetergenttablets, simply placeone tabletin the main washsection and close the cover.
Number |
of Grains | Detergent Cups to Fill |
Less than 4 | Fill cup to soft line (1/3 full) |
4 to 8 | Fill cup to medium soft line (2/3 full) |
8 to 12 | Fill cup to medium hard line |
| (completely full) |
Greater | Fill both main wash cup |
than 12 | and pre wash cup |
NOTE: Using a detergentthat is not specificallydesigned for dishwasherswillcausethe dishwasher to fill with suds. During operation,thesesudswillspill out of the dishwasher vents, covering the kitchenfloorand makingthe floorwet.
Becauseso many detergentcontainers lookalike,storethe dishwasherdetergentin a separatespacefromall other cleaners. Showanyonewho may use the dishwasherthe correct detergentand whereit is stored.
While therewill be no lasting damageto the dishwasher, yourdisheswill not get cleanusinga dishwashing detergentthatis not formulated to workwith dishwashers.
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