Safety Instructions
Operating Instructions
Troubleshooting Tips
Consumer Support
About the dishwasher controlpanel.
Choose the dishwasher control panel that corresponds to the featureson your dishwasher.
| 3 |
| 5 |
| 4 |
| 2 |
| ||||||||||||
Control Settings
1 Status Indicator LightsThe Statusdisplaytells you what’s happeningwhilethe dishwasheris in operationand may flash,indicatinga malfunction(seepage8). The lights will come ON indicating the sequenceof operation the dishwasheris in.
SENSING | Displayedwhile the sensoris measuringthe amountof soiland temperatureof water. |
(on some models) | The dishwasherwill adjust the selectedcycle to achieve optimal performance. |
SANITIZED | Displayedwhencyclehas met sanitizationconditions. Lightremains ON untildooris opened. |
CLEAN | Displayedwhen a washcycleis complete. The lightstays ON as a reminderthatthe dishesare |
| cleanuntil the door is relatchedor until another cycleis selected. |
During operation,the display shows the minutesremaininguntil the cycleis complete. The displaymay adjustthe remainingtime while the Sensing lightis on. The timedisplayedat the start of eachcyclemay change fromthe factory setting as the unitcustomizes itself to homeuse. Duringa delaystart, the displaywill showhoursof time remaininguntil the cycle starts.
3 CyclesThe light abovethe selected pad willbe ON to indicatewhichcyclehas beenselected.
This dishwasher is equipped witha dirtand temperature sensor.Cycle lengthand time will vary dependingon the soil level and temperature.
| Thiscycleraisesthe water temperature in the finalrinseto sanitizeyour dishware. The cycle |
| lengthwill varydependingon the temperature of yourinletwater. |
| NOTE: The SANI WASH cycle is monitoredfor sanitizationrequirements.If the cycleis interrupted |
| during or afterthe main washportionor if the incomingwatertemperature is so low that |
| adequatewater heatingcannotbe achieved, the sanitizingconditions may not be met. In these |
| cases,the Sanitized lightwillnot illuminateat the end of the cycle. |
| NOTE: NSF certified residential dishwashersarenot intendedfor licensedfoodestablishments. |
| This cycle is for medium/heavilysoileddishesand glassware. |
LIGHTWASH | 7.5 gal., |
(on some models) | Thiscycleis for everyday dishesand glassware. |
RINSE ONLY | 2.5 gal., 11 min. |
| For rinsing partial loadsthat will be washedlater.Do not use detergentwiththiscycle. |
NOTE: Onlythe SANIWASH cyclehas beendesignedto meetthe requirementsof Section 6, NSF 184 for soil removaland sanitization efficacy.