









The light abovethe selected pad willbe ON to indicatewhichoptionhas beenselected.








For use with heavily soiled and/ordried-on,baked-on soils.Thisoption MUSTbe selectedPRIOR





to starting the cycle. The STEAMoptionadds24 minutesto the cycletime.










Shutsoff the dryingheatoption.Dishesair dry naturallyand energyis saved.For fasterair dry,




Light OFFyou can prop the door openafterthe CLEAN light illuminates.










Turns the heater on for faster drying. This will extend the total cycle time between




Light ON8 and 38 minutes depending on the cycle selected. NOTE: HEATED DRY cannot be





selected with RINSE ONLY cycle.










Youcan lockthe controlsto preventany selectionsfrombeing made. Or you can lockthe controls





after you have started a cycle.





Childrencannotaccidentallystartdishwasherby touchingpadswith this optionselected.





To LOCK the dishwashercontrol,touchand holdthe HEATEDDRY pad for 3 seconds.The light





below the HEATEDDRY pad will turn on. To UNLOCKthe dishwashercontrol,touchand holdthe





HEATED DRY pad for 3 seconds.The LOCKlightwill turn off.










Whenselected, the cyclewill run longerwith the heating elementon to improveboth washand




HEATdry performance.NOTE: Cannotbe selectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.










Youcan delaythe startof a washcyclefor up to 9 hours.Touch the DELAYHOURSpad to choose





the number of hours you wantto delaythe start of the cycle;thentouchSTART/RESET one time.





The dishwasherwill countdownand start automaticallyat the correct time.Touching





START/RESET a secondtime willcancelthe DELAYSTARTselection.










To changea cycle afterwashingstarts, touchthe START/RESET pad to cancelthe cycle. The





START/RESET light will flashwhilethe wateris pumpedout if needed.This takesapproximately





90 seconds. Whenthe light stopsflashing,the dishwashercan be reprogrammed and restarted.














Close and latchthe dishwasherdoorand selectthe cycleand desiredenhancements. Touchthe START/RESET pad




onceto beginthe cycle. Waterbeginsto fill the dishwasher,and approximately 60 seconds laterthe washaction begins. Touchingthe START/RESET pad a secondtime willcancelthe cycleand causethe water to drainout. Thiswill take approximately2 minutes.

NOTE: The dishwasherremembers yourlastcycleso you don’t haveto reprogrameachtime. Whenthe dishwasher door is fully closed, the control panellightswill display the lastsettings you selected.

If you don’twantto changeany of the settings,simply touchthe START/RESET pad onceto beginthe cycle.

If the door is closed,the indicatorlights willturnoff if the START/RESETpad is not pressedwithintwo minutes. To activatethe display, openand closethe dooror touchany pad.

Also,if a powerfailure occurs,NORMAL WASHand HEATEDDRY willautomatically be programmed.


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