Safety Instructions

Operating Instructions

Troubleshooting Tips

Consumer Support

Before you call for service…


Possible Causes

What To Do

Suds in the tubCorrectdetergent

Use only automatic dishwasherdetergents to avoid sudsing.Cascade®


wasn’t used


Automatic Dishwashing Detergentshavebeenapproved for use in all




GE dishwashers.



To remove suds fromthe tub,openthe dishwasherand let sudsdissipate.




Close and latch the dishwasher.Pumpout waterby touchingthe




START/RESET pad once;then 30 seconds later,touchthe




START/RESET pad again.Repeatif necessary.


Rinseagentwas spilled

Always wipeup rinseagentspillsimmediately.


Detergent placedin manual

Use SmartDispenseor the manualdetergentdispenser,but not both.


detergent dispenserand







Detergent left inDishes are blocking the

Reposition the dishes, so the water from the lower spray arm can

dispenser cupsdetergent cup or


flush the detergent cup or the outlet on the SmartDispensesystem.




See the Loading the dishwasher section.

Water in theCap not tightened after

Use a turkey baster to remove as much water as possible from the

SmartDispensefilling the dispenser


SmartDispensedispenser and refill it as normal. Be sure to tighten




the cap fully to prevent water from entering the dispenser.

Black or grayAluminum utensilshave

Remove markswith a mild, abrasive cleaner.

markson dishesrubbed againstdishes



Dishes don’tdry

Low inletwater temperature

Make sureinlet watertemperatureis at least120°F.









Selecta highercycle,suchas ANTI-BACTERIA, SANI WASHor POTS& PANS.


Rinseagentdispenseris empty

Checkthe rinseagentdispenserand fill as required.

Control panelresponded

Door latch may not be properly

Make surethe dooris firmlyclosed.





never filled withwater





Water valvemay be turned off

Make surewater valve(usuallylocatedunderthe sink)is turnedon.

Stained tub interiorSometomato-basedfoods can

Use of the RINSEONLYcycleafter adding the dish to the load




can decreasethe levelof staining. GE recommends Cascade®




PlasticBoosterto help remove thesetypesof stains.


Tea or coffee stains

Remove the stain by hand,usinga solutionof 1/2 cup bleach




and 3 cupswarmwater.








Before cleaninginterior,waitat least20 minutesaftera cyclefor the




heating elementsto cooldown.Failureto do so can result in burns.








Antesde limpiar el interior,esperepor lo menos20 minutosdespués




de un cicloparaque los elementoscalentadoresse enfríen.No hacerlo




puedeprovocar quemaduras.


An overallyellow or brown film can •

A special filter in the watersupply line is the onlyway to correct


be caused by iron deposits in water this problem. Contacta watersoftenercompany.


Whitefilmon inside surface—

GE recommendsCascadeCrystalClear® to help preventhardwater




mineraldeposits fromforming.



Run dishwasherwith citric acidto removemineraldeposits. Citricacid




(Partnumber: WD35X151)can be orderedthroughGE Parts. See back




cover for orderinginformation.

Dishwasherwon’t runFuseis blown or circuit breaker

Replace fuseor resetcircuitbreaker.Remove any otherappliancesfrom


is tripped


the circuit.


Power is turnedoff

In someinstallations,the powerto the dishwasheris providedthrougha




wall switch, oftenlocated nextto the disposerswitch.Makesure it is on.


Controlpanelis locked

Unlock controlpanel.See page7, 9 or 11.


Rebootyour control

Turn off powerto the dishwasher(circuit breakeror wall switch)for




30 seconds;then turnbackon.