Safety Instructions
Operating Instructions
Troubleshooting Tips
Consumer Support
Before you call for service…
Problem | Possible Causes | What To Do | |
Suds in the tub | Correctdetergent | • | Use only automatic dishwasherdetergents to avoid sudsing.Cascade® |
| wasn’t used |
| Automatic Dishwashing Detergentshavebeenapproved for use in all |
| GE dishwashers. |
| • | To remove suds fromthe tub,openthe dishwasherand let sudsdissipate. |
| Close and latch the dishwasher.Pumpout waterby touchingthe |
| START/RESET pad once;then 30 seconds later,touchthe |
| START/RESET pad again.Repeatif necessary. |
| Rinseagentwas spilled | • | Always wipeup rinseagentspillsimmediately. |
| Detergent placedin manual | • | Use SmartDispense™ or the manualdetergentdispenser,but not both. |
| detergent dispenserand |
| SmartDispense™ dispenser |
Detergent left in | Dishes are blocking the | • | Reposition the dishes, so the water from the lower spray arm can |
dispenser cups | detergent cup or |
| flush the detergent cup or the outlet on the SmartDispense™ system. |
| SmartDispense™ outlet |
| See the Loading the dishwasher section. |
Water in the | Cap not tightened after | • | Use a turkey baster to remove as much water as possible from the |
SmartDispense™ | filling the dispenser |
| SmartDispense™ dispenser and refill it as normal. Be sure to tighten |
dispenser |
| the cap fully to prevent water from entering the dispenser. |
Black or gray | Aluminum utensilshave | • | Remove markswith a mild, abrasive cleaner. |
markson dishes | rubbed againstdishes |
Dishes don’tdry | Low inletwater temperature | • | Make sureinlet watertemperatureis at least120°F. |
| • | SelectHEATED DRY. |
| • | Use HOT START, HOTWASH or ADDEDHEAToptions. |
| • | Selecta highercycle,suchas |
| Rinseagentdispenseris empty | • | Checkthe rinseagentdispenserand fill as required. |
Control panelresponded | Door latch may not be properly | • | Make surethe dooris firmlyclosed. |
toinputsbutdishwasher | seated |
never filled withwater |
| Water valvemay be turned off | • | Make surewater valve(usuallylocatedunderthe sink)is turnedon. |
Stained tub interior | • | Use of the RINSEONLYcycleafter adding the dish to the load | |
| causereddishstains |
| can decreasethe levelof staining. GE recommends Cascade® |
| PlasticBoosterto help remove thesetypesof stains. |
| Tea or coffee stains | • | Remove the stain by hand,usinga solutionof 1/2 cup bleach |
| and 3 cupswarmwater. |
| Before cleaninginterior,waitat least20 minutesaftera cyclefor the |
| heating elementsto cooldown.Failureto do so can result in burns. |
| Antesde limpiar el interior,esperepor lo menos20 minutosdespués |
| de un cicloparaque los elementoscalentadoresse enfríen.No hacerlo |
| puedeprovocar quemaduras. |
| An overallyellow or brown film can • | A special filter in the watersupply line is the onlyway to correct | |
| be caused by iron deposits in water this problem. Contacta watersoftenercompany. | ||
| Whitefilmon inside surface— | • | GE recommendsCascadeCrystalClear® to help preventhardwater |
| hardwaterminerals |
| mineraldeposits fromforming. |
| • | Run dishwasherwith citric acidto removemineraldeposits. Citricacid |
| (Partnumber: WD35X151)can be orderedthroughGE Parts. See back |
| cover for orderinginformation. |
Dishwasherwon’t run | Fuseis blown or circuit breaker | • | Replace fuseor resetcircuitbreaker.Remove any otherappliancesfrom |
| is tripped |
| the circuit. |
| Power is turnedoff | • | In someinstallations,the powerto the dishwasheris providedthrougha |
| wall switch, oftenlocated nextto the disposerswitch.Makesure it is on. |
| Controlpanelis locked | • | Unlock controlpanel.See page7, 9 or 11. |
| Rebootyour control | • | Turn off powerto the dishwasher(circuit breakeror wall switch)for |
| 30 seconds;then turnbackon. |