Loading the dishwasher racks.
For best dishwashing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from your model.
Operating Instructions
Althoughthe upperrackis primarily for glasses, cupsand saucers,potsand panscan be placed in this rackfor effective cleaning.Cupsand glasses fit bestalong the sides. This is also a secureplace for
The upperrackis adjustable (on somemodels) to add flexibility in loading yourdishwasher. To lower,pushtabsin and lowerrack. To raise, just pull up on rackuntil it snaps.
The utilityshelf (on somemodels) may be placed in the up or down position to add flexibility.A wine glass holder (on some models)secures wine glassesfor bestwashability. Becausewine glasses come in varioussizes,after loading, slowly push in the rackto make surethey will clearthe top
of the dishwasher.The upperrackis goodfor all kinds of
Be surethatitems do not protrude throughthe bottom of the rackand block rotation of the middle sprayarm. Thiscouldresultin poorwash performancefor items in the upperrack.
Check to makesure that no itemswillblock rotation of the wash arms.Troubleshooting Tips
The lower rackis bestused for plates, saucersand cookware. Largeitems suchas broiler pansand baking racksshouldgo along the
Also,be carefulnot to let a portion of an itemsuch as a pot or dish handleextendthroughthe bottom rack. This could block the washarm and cause poorwashing results.
Do not let any item extendthrough the bottomof the silverware basket. Itemsthat extendthrough the rack could prevent the spray arm fromturning and cause poorwash performance.
Consumer Support
To remove end baskets, grasp the basket at opposite corners and slide apart.
To load flatware,simply pushthe adjustable handle to eitherside (on some models). Put flatware in the removablebasketwithforkand knife handles up to protectyourhands.Place spoonsin the basketwith handles down.Mix knives,forksand spoons so theydon’tnest together.Distributeevenly. Smallplasticitems, suchas measuringspoons and lids from small containers should go in the bottomof the silverware basket with the silverware on top.
A variety of options is available regarding the
(on some models)can be closedto contain small items. Longitems can be placedon the utility shelf in the upperrack.
The accessorybasket (on some models) can hold small items such as baby bottlenipples, plastic lids, or corn cob holders.16