La Cornue company warrants to the original user | that performance is effected, within 50 miles from |
for a period of three years from date of delivery not | an office of a qualified service agency of Company |
to exceed 42 months from date of shipment by | except that such obligation to bear labor charges |
Company that the product(s) manufactured by | shall not apply to products or parts installed outside |
Company are free from defects in material and | the United States and Canada. Replacement part(s) |
workmanship. | must be supplied by La Cornue direct or through its |
| dealer or qualified service agency and the defective |
Company shall have no obligation for any product | part(s) returned to same intact. |
which has been misapplied, mishandled, abused, |
misused or subjected to harsh chemical action, or | This states the exclusive remedy against Company |
improperly installed nor to any product modified by | relating to the product(s), whether in contract or in |
unqualified service personnel or damaged by flood, | tort or under any other legal theory, and whether |
fire or other acts of God or which has the serial | arising out of warranties, representations, |
number removed or altered. Adjustments such as | instructions, installation or defects from any cause. |
calibrations, leveling, tightening of fasteners or |
utility connections normaly associated with original | Company shall not be liable, whether in contract or |
installation are the responsibility of the dealer or | in tort or under any other legal theory, for loss of |
installer and not that of Company. | use, revenue or profit, or for substitute use or |
Warranty does not cover freight charges for new or | performance, or incidental, indirect, or special or |
defective parts. | consequential damages, or for any other loss or cost |
| of similar type. |
The liability of Company for breach of such |
warranty is exclusively limited to, at Company | This warranty and the liability set forth herein are |
option, the replacement or repair of any part found | exclusive and in lieu of all other liabilities and |
by Company to be not as Warranted herein and, in | warranties, express or implied, including but not |
such event replacement or repair shall be made | limited to implied warranties of merchantability and |
within 36 months from the date of installation. The | fitness for particular purpose and constitutes the |
Company shall bear the normal labor charges in | only warranty of Company with the respect to |
effecting such replacement or repair, to the extent | product(s). |
When requesting information, manuals, replacement parts or service, always refer to the model and serial number of your unit. The serial plate is located behind or on the lower drawer.
For your convenience space is provided below to record this information for future reference.
Installation and User Guide CornuFĂ© 1908 - 36" - USA / Can | 47 |