4.1.7EPO (Emergency Power Off) Input contact
1 |
2 |
3 |
| 1 |
4 |
| |
| 2 | |
JP3 |
| |
J2 | 3 | |
XB 4
Fig. 4.1.7-1 Terminals for connection EPO
An external Emergency switch (Normally Closed
Remove the cable short- circuiting terminals XB 2 - 3) when using this external switch.
To enable this function, remove cable
In a parallel system a separate NC (Normally Closed) contact must be connected individually to each unit.
When opened, this contact causes the immediate opening of the Contactors K3, K4, K6, K7 and K8, as well as the shutdown of Rectifier, Inverter and
Be aware: The reliability of the system depends on this contact!
After closure of the Emergency contact, a reset is necessary to enable the restart of the UPS, by pressing the key “O” (inverter off) on the control panel.
In case of a parallel system press the key “O” (inverter off) on the control panel of each unit connected on parallel bus and having it’s output switch Q1 closed.
OPM_SGS_ISG_M22_M30_0US_V011.doc | 37/38 | Installation Guide SG Series 225 & 300 kVA |