
Do not clean the door gasket. The doorgasket

is essentialfor a goodseal.Careshouldbe taken notto rub,damageor movethe gasket.

s Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial ovencleaneror ovenlinerprotectivecoating of anykindshouldbe usedin or aroundany partof the oven.Residuefromovencleaners willdamagetheinsideof theovenwhentheseK- cleancyclein used.

Clean ody parts listed in this Use and Care Book.

Before seE-claing the oven, remove broiler pan and other cookware.

Do not use aluminum foil to lineovenbottoms,

exceptas suggestedin manual.hproper installationof theselinersmy resultin a risk of electricshockor fire.

Be sure to wipe up excess spillage before stirting the self-cleaning operation.

H the self-cleaning mode matiunctions, turn off

and disconnect the power supply. Haveserviced

by a qualfledtechnician.


Coohg Elementi


. Useproperpansize—This


appli~ce is equippedwithoneor



differentsize.Selectcookwarehavingflat bottomslargeenoughto coverthe so~ddisk surfaceunit.Theuseof undersizedcookwarewill exposea portionof the surfaceunitto direct contactandmayresultin ignitionof clothing. Roper relationshipof cookwareto surfaceunit willdso improveefficiency.

Never leave the sotid disk surface units

unattended at high heat settings. Boilover

causessmokingandgreasyspi~oversthatmay catchon fue.

. Do not cook on a broken cooktop. Spilloversor cleaningsolutionsmaypenetratea broken cooktopandcreatea riskof electricalshock. Contacta qualifiedtechnicianimmediatelyshould yourglasscooktopbecomebroken.

Ody certaintypesof glass, @ass/ceramic, earthenwareor otherglazedcontainersare

suitablefor range-topservice;othersmaybreak becauseofthesuddenchangein temperature.

Tominimizethe possibilityof burns,ignitionof

flammablematerialsandspillage,thehandleof a containershouldbeturnedtowardthecenterofthe rangewithoutextendingovernearbysotiddisk surfaceunits.

Nevertry to cleanthe cooktopsurfacewhenit is hot. Somecleanersproducenoxiousfumesandwet

clothscouldcausesteamburnsif usedona hot surface.

QAlwaysturnsotiddisk surfaceunitsto OFF beforeremovingcookware.

Use of decorativemeti coverson soliddisk

surfaceunits is not recommended.If a covered

unitis turnedon,elementburnoutcouldresult.

Keepan eyeon foods beingfried at HI or MediumHighheat settings.

Whenflamingfoodsare under the hood, turnthe fan off. Thefan, if operating,may spreadtheflame.

Foodsfor fryingshotid be as dry as possible.

Frostonfrozenfoodsor moistureonfreshfoodscan causehotfatto bubbleupandoversidesofpan.

Use fittlefat for effectivesha~owor deep-fat frying.Filhngthepantoofulloffatcancause

sptiloverswhenfoodis added.

U a combinationofoflsor fats wiflbe usedin frying,stirtogetherbeforeheating,orasfatsmelt slowly.

Alwaysheatfat slowly,andwatchasit heats.

“Use deep fat thermometerwheneverpossibleto


Nevertry to movea pan of hot fa~ especitiy a deepfat fryer.Waitunti thefatis cool.



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Image 5
GE JB571GM, JB570GM, JBP29G, MNU106 manual Saw T~Se ~Structions, Self-CleaningOven, Coohg Elementi, Useproperpan size-This