To eliminate the hward of reaching over heated surface elements, cabinets or storage spaces should not be provided over a range.
Hcabinets are provided, the hward can be reduced by insting a range hood that projects hotiontily a minimum of W beyond the bottom of the cabinets.
men insta~ing the range between base cabinets, refer to figure below for the stie of the opening needed. Do not seal the range to cabinets.
CA~ON: men unpacking the range, do not discard the 4 shipping bolts as these are the leveling legs.
Ha service cord is used, the wdl receptacle should be located in accordance with the dimensions below.
7 m=
The figure below shows the recommended instigation relationship of the ranges to the vertical walls of the surrounding structure. Please note the following
1.The back of the range maybe instiled directiy against the rear wdl of the structure.
2.These ranges conform to UL requirements for “Wspacing from the range to adjacentvertical walls abovethe countertop level.However,to reduce possible scorching ofvertical WWSand to tilmke potentialfire hmards under abnormal surface unit use conditionssuch as high heat or no pans, a minimum of ~ spacing should be provided on both sides of the cooktop.
3.To eliminate the hward of reaching over heated surface units, cabinet storage space located above the surface units should be avoided. H a cabinet is to be provided, the hward can be reduced by instilling a range hood that projects hotiontily a minimum of W beyond the bottom of the mbinets.
N~: There is a minimum V clearance required from the left side of the range to a wall. This clearance is needed to open the left side oven door or to remove the oven rack.
Not Less Than
DividedCooMop(40” Range) | See Note 2 |