,- If you should have a grease fire ifi the broiler pa?, turn the oven off and keep tk cnwn door C1OMXI to contain fire until it bt.ums out.
●Keep the range ~lean and free of accumulations of gre~e or spillovers, which may ignite.
●Clean cmly. parts listed in the Use and Care
‘Guide. ‘
,broiler pan, rack and other cookware.
*I@ not clean the dour gaskeL The door gasket
“is essential for a good seal. Be careful not to rub, damage or’move it.
●If fhe
●I)@ ‘not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven
‘clea6er or oven liner of any kind shcmld be used in or around any, part Qf the oven. Rtxsidue from oven cleaners ‘will damage the inside of the oven when the
L.P. Conversion
~OUr rahge ~s, shipped from the factory set to operate oflly with Naturid Gas. If you wish to use
yo~range with Liquefied Petroleum.Gas, you can have your sales person order an LP Conversion. Kit.
WARNING: ThesF adjustments must be made by a qualified service technician’in accordance with the ma.!mfacturer’s imtructiom and all codes and
reqyirernents of the authority having jurisdiction. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious. injury &property damage. The qualifled agency ptx+formirig this ‘wti:k assumes responsibility for the conve~sion.