Graco 312353B instruction manual Setup Path 2 Pop-up Blockers

Models: 312353B

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9.You may need to make changes to pop-up blockers installed on the PC for Matrix to function properly. Read this information carefully for guidance (FIG. 31). Click Next.

FIG. 31 Setup Path 2 - Pop-up Blockers

10. .Setup is ready to install Matrix application files (FIG. 32). Click Install.

FIG. 32 Setup Path 2 - Ready to Install

Installation Instructions

11.Transfer of application files from the setup program to the hard disk is complete (FIG. 33). Click Finish.

FIG. 33 Setup Path 2 - Install Complete

12.Matrix software installation is complete, however, there are several configuration settings to check and/or set. Select “No, I will restart my computer later” (FIG. 34). Click Finish.

FIG. 34 Setup Path 2 - Setup Complete

13.Review the Sun Java Runtime section on page 17. Confirm the settings related to the Java Plugin are OK on this machine.

14.Follow the instructions for configuring the client PC to communicate with the Matrix Server in the Matrix Client PC Setup beginning on page 36.

15.Reboot the PC when complete.



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Graco 312353B instruction manual Setup Path 2 Pop-up Blockers