Graco 312353B Menu Details Setup Parts, Menu Item Criteria, Menu Item Posting Parameters

Models: 312353B

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Menu Details Setup (Parts)

See FIG. 101. The top section of this screen defines the criteria that must be met in order to use the menu. The bottom section displays the posting detail if the criteria are met.

FIG. 101 Menu #1 for 5W30

Menu Item Criteria

Dispense Volume Range is the minimum and maxi- mum limits on the allowable fluid volumes for this menu item in order for it to be selected. The units for these minimum and maximum volume fields are the same as found in this fluid’s unit pricing configuration. In the example shown in FIG. 101, the units are quarts with a custom unit multiplier of one (default). The actual dis- pense amount is used when determining if these range criteria are satisfied.

While Matrix does not prevent it, Graco recommends that the range specified here does not overlap with another menu item’s range. If the volume ranges for multiple menu items overlap, the first one in the list (ordered by the # column, as shown in FIG. 100) whose criteria are met will be used.

Start Date, End Date, Start Time, and End Time are fields that define the period of time over which this menu item can be used. If the End Date and/or End Time has passed, or the Start Date and/or Start Time has yet to occur, this menu item’s posting parameters will never be used, even if it’s enabled. A 24-hour clock is used to specify Start and End Times.

System Administrator Screens

Menu Schedule can be set for Daily, Weekdays, or Weekends and is an additional criterion that must be met, in addition to the start/end dates and times.

Menu Item Posting Parameters

Fluid Part Number is the R&R part number that repre- sents this fluid.

Sale Price is the price at which this fluid part number will be posted to the R&R RO. If left blank, the default DMS pricing structure will be used.

Fluid Quantity is the quantity of this part number to add to the RO. If the field is left blank, the quantity used is the adjusted dispense amount (the actual dispense amount rounded up or down, according to the Adjusted Volume field on the unit pricing page for this fluid).

Include Selected Oil Filter(s) requires a Yes or No response.

If Yes is selected, any parts attached to the RO from the oil filter category of parts are charged at the sale price listed here instead of the DMS pricing. (See Matrix/R&R Interface beginning on page 28.)

If the sale price is left blank, the DMS price for the filter is used.

If No is selected, the feature is not used and normal DMS pricing is applied to any oil filter.

Include Additional Parts has a list of up to three parts, quantities, and sale prices that can be added to the RO automatically whenever this menu is used.

If the sale price is left blank, the DMS price is used.

The sale price cannot be zero.

Leaving the quantity blank is the same as specifying a zero quantity – the part will not be added to the RO.



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Graco 312353B instruction manual Menu Details Setup Parts, Menu Item Criteria, Menu Item Posting Parameters