Graco 312353B instruction manual Unit and Menu Pricing Gas, Oil, Grease GOG, Unit Pricing GOG

Models: 312353B

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If the volume dispensed is between 5.0 and 7.0 quarts, the dealership wants 6 quarts of oil at $2.00/quart posted to the RO, along with an oil filter at $4.75 (any oil filter the user selects from the list of filters loaded into Matrix) and an oil pan drain plug gasket at $0.25.

Unit and Menu Pricing - Gas, Oil, Grease (GOG)

Unit Pricing (GOG)

The following outline of unit and menu pricing setup screens used when managing bulk fluid as GOG applies to each fluid used in the Matrix system. That is, each fluid has its own unit pricing configuration and its own set of menu pricing items.

Lube charge is based on a cost and sale price per unit of fluid within the interface. The interface translates the fluid dispense to a lube charge on the RO based on the actual dispense amount. The dispense amount used to determine the lube charge is based on the actual dis- pense amount or by rounding up or down to the nearest tenth of a unit.

FIG. 105 Unit Pricing Example - GOG

For the following list, refer to FIG. 105.

Unit Cost and Sale refers to cost, sale price, and accounting units for this fluid. See Table 1, page 53.

Adjust Volume provides the option to round up or round down the dispense amount to the nearest then of a unit.

Item Description is the GOG item description for this fluid as configured on the 3629 screen on a R&R termi- nal. The description here must match the item descrip- tion on 3629 exactly, including upper/lower case and spaces.

Charge description is a field that will appear on all ROs using this fluid. The actual dispense amount and fluid name will automatically be appended to any other description you provide in this space.

Enable Menu Pricing is a yes or no setting. If no, the unit pricing on this page will apply to all ROs using this

System Administrator Screens

fluid. If yes, the interface searches the menu list for a menu whose criteria is satisfied (i.e., volume, timing constraints are met). If a menu applies, that menu’s configuration is used to apply charges to that RO. If no menu is found, unit pricing applies.

The unit pricing configuration described here is used by the interface as follows:

1.The fluid is dispensed by a meter in the Matrix sys- tem. The interface is assumed to be enabled, both globally (General Settings page on R&R Interface Setup screen) and for this particular meter (the meter’s setup page). The meter reports the exact dispense amount to the Matrix PC, which records the dispense activity and triggers the interface to post the appropriate charge to the RO.

2.The interface compares the units of measure pro- grammed into the meter with the accounting units. If they do not match, the actual dispense volume is converted to accounting units.

3.If the custom unit multiplier is not 1.0, the converted dispense volume is multiplied by the custom unit multiplier.

4.The adjusted volume is determined by taking the result from step 2 or 3 (depending on whether a cus- tom unit multiplier was used or not) and rounding up or down to the nearest tenth.

5.Assuming menu pricing is not enabled, the adjusted volume is the number used for quantity when post- ing this fluid’s part number to the RO. The sale price for this part number may or may not be specified.



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Graco 312353B instruction manual Unit and Menu Pricing Gas, Oil, Grease GOG, Unit Pricing GOG