Graco 312353B Fluids Configuration FIG, Unit and Menu Pricing Parts, Unit Pricing Parts

Models: 312353B

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System Administrator Screens

Fluids Configuration (FIG. 97)

FIG. 97 Fluids Configuration

Each fluid used by a Matrix meter will appear in the cen- ter of the Matrix R&R Interface Setup screen (see FIG. 93, page 51 and FIG. 97 [above]). The interface configu- ration for each fluid applies to all meters that dispense that fluid and have their interface state setting enabled. Clicking the modify link for a fluid brings up the unit pric- ing configuration page, whose content varies depending on whether the interface is configured for Parts or Gas, Oil, Grease (GOG) on the General Settings screen.

The Matrix R&R Interface can calculate a fluid charge based on unit pricing or menu pricing. Unit pricing means that the charge is determined by the number of volumetric units of fluid dispensed. Menu pricing means the charge is based on meeting certain criteria, such as the volume of fluid dispensed and the timing of the dis- pense event. Menu pricing accommodates “specials”, where the fluid and an oil filter together need to add up to an advertised price, as well as adding other parts to the R&R RO when the dispense completes.

Any parts, fluid or non-fluid, that Matrix adds to and R&R RO are accounted for in the dealership inventory; that is, inventory levels within R&R will be reduced appropri- ately for each part added to the RO. Matrix will never increase R&R inventory amounts (e.g. a fresh oil ship- ment is delivered); additions to inventory must handled manually.

Unit and Menu Pricing - Parts

The following outline of unit and menu pricing setup screens used when managing bulk fluid through Parts applies to each fluid used in the Matrix system. That is, each fluid has its own unit pricing configuration and its own set of menu pricing items.

Unit Pricing (Parts)

R&R cannot use fractional amounts on the Parts side of the DMS, so the interface allows for rounding the exact dispense amount up or down into a bill- able whole number amount. Rounding will occur only for the purposes of billing for the fluid. Matrix will always keep track of the exact amount dis- pensed. Use Matrix Reporter to compare dispense history of dispensed fluid amounts vs. billed fluid amounts.

The pricing within the DMS for a given fluid part number can be overwritten with pricing entered in the interface.

Can accommodate unconventional billing units for fluid (i.e., tenths of units instead of pints, quarts, gal- lons, or liters).

Unit Pricing Example - Parts (FIG. 98):

FIG. 98 Unit Pricing Example - Parts



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Graco 312353B Fluids Configuration FIG, Unit and Menu Pricing Parts, Unit Pricing Parts, Unit Pricing Example Parts FIG