Graco 312353B instruction manual Software Firewalls, Special Considerations for Firewalls

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FIG. 4

Toolbars integrated with IE usually show up in the list here. Look for entries like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. Make sure each of these is checked (which will cause them to appear, usually underneath the address bar in the browser window) and then confirm with each one that it’s allowing pop-ups from the Matrix server.

The following example illustrates the Google toolbar, but the others generally function in a very similar fashion.

Example: Assuming a Google toolbar is installed and the system is a single PC Matrix system. The system has been rebooted since the application was installed. While the Matrix Client is in the Windows Startup folder, no browser window appeared when Windows started.

Open a blank IE window. With the Google toolbar visi- ble, enter in the address bar and press Enter. If a window like the one shown in FIG. 5 appears, the Matrix server is running, but you have a pop-up blocker.

FIG. 5

System Requirements

Note the button in the middle of the Google toolbar that shows 31 blocked; this is a count of how many pop-ups the Google toolbar has stopped from appearing. Click Button to make the toolbar allow pop-ups from the address currently in the address bar. Close the browser window and try launching Matrix via the Matrix client desktop icon again.

The same series of steps is performed for multiple-PC systems, only the address used is different--the address of the Matrix server is used instead of

Pop-up blockers are not limited to those included with browser toolbars. Security products such as Norton Internet Security also block pop-ups; refer to the ven- dor’s instructions on how to configure these software programs.

Software Firewalls

Special Considerations for Firewalls

Summary: Any firewalls in use must allow TCP traffic on ports 8080, 8083, 8084 and 3306 at the Matrix Server and port 8082 at each Matrix Client. Matrix will not func- tion properly if any of these ports are blocked. Windows XP has a built-in firewall, which is turned on by default (meaning that these ports are blocked) in Service Pack 2.

Any firewalls on the Matrix PC must allow network traffic over several ports. PCs communicate with each other via IP addresses and port numbers. An IP address can be compared to the street address of an apartment building, with a port number as a specific apartment number in the building. The Matrix server and Matrix cli- ents require certain ports be available/open in order to communicate properly. These are the default TCP ports required by the server and each client:

Matrix server:

Port 3306 - Matrix Database

Port 8080 - Matrix Web Server

Port 8083 - Matrix/R & R link

Port 8084 - Matrix Server

Matrix Client:

Port 8082 - Matrix Client

Communication to these ports can be blocked by firewall software installed on your computer. Windows XP con- tains the Windows Firewall, but there are numerous products provided by third parties such as Symantec and McAfee that also provide firewall functionality. What this means for Matrix is that any Firewalls) on the Matrix PC must be either configured to allow traffic over these ports or turned off altogether.



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Graco 312353B instruction manual Software Firewalls, Special Considerations for Firewalls