Graco 312353B instruction manual Troubleshooting

Models: 312353B

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Cannot access System

Incorrect user name or password.

Ensure you are using the correct user

Administration screens.


name and password. Contact Graco



Customer Support Team if a new pass-



word must be generated to access your



Matrix system.




Meter only displays 5

Normal operation. Meter displays up to

No action necessary.

repair orders.

5 repair orders.





Repair orders not transmit-

RF communication response time is

No action necessary.

ting sequentially to shop.

faster in some areas versus other



areas of shop. This is normal operation



in a RF environment. Repair orders will



not necessarily transmit sequentially.





The information in the dif-

Java Plugin settings may be incorrect.

Make sure “Enable Caching” box is not

ferent screens does not


checked. Make sure “Check for new



version of stored pages” is checked in







Matrix email does not

A variety of issues may prevent deliv-

Review procedures in this manual to

arrive at destination.

ery of email.

ensure correct settings. If necessary



contact your IS representative.




See Troubleshooting Section of the Readme file located on the Matrix Installation disk and Software Installation Troubleshooting on page 21 for more detailed software troubleshooting information.



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Graco 312353B instruction manual Troubleshooting