Graco 312353B Add Parts To Work Order, Work Order Validation, Work Order Posting

Models: 312353B

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Add Parts To Work Order

In the drop down list at the top left, select the category of parts you wish to choose from; the parts loaded into Matrix in that category (appear in the list box on the left. Click Add>> to select the part. Selected parts appear in the list box on the right. Clicking the Clear All button removes the entire list of selected parts. Individual parts can be removed from the selected list by selecting the part and pressing Remove Part.

When finished adding parts, click Send To Meter, which submits this work order for validation. If successfully val- idated, the work order is then sent to the meter and will appear in the meter’s work order list. The list of selected parts are not physically sent anywhere; Matrix “remem- bers” the selected parts list for this work order until the fluid has been dispensed and successfully posted to the RO in R & R; once this has happened, the selected parts list is also posted to the RO.

Work Order Validation

A work order is considered “validated” if within the R & R DMS it meets these criteria:

1.The work order exists, including the user-entered job number on that work order.

2.The work order is open and is not currently being edited. Matrix cannot post charges to work orders that have been closed.

3.The status of the work order must be such that addi- tional parts/charges can be added to the work order.

Depending on the activity level of the network and the R

&R DMS, the time it takes to validate a work order can range from a few seconds to 30 seconds.

If the work order is not validated, a message similar to FIG. 55 will appear, stating the reason why it could not be validated. Right click on the work order to try validat- ing it again or correct the core problem (e.g., if someone has the work order open and is editing it, retry again when they are out of it).

Operator Screens

FIG. 55

Work Order Posting

Matrix does not add any parts or other charges to a work order (RO) on the R & R DMS until the Matrix sys- tem has dispensed fluid against that work order. Upon completing a fluid dispense, Matrix will do the following:

1.Record the amount dispensed in the meter dis- pense history.

2.Based on the unit and measure pricing configuration for the fluid dispensed, the appropriate part or GOG charge is determined.

3.The part of GOG charge is sent to the DMS for that work order. See “Interface Behavior, Parts and GOG” on page 52 and Table 1 on page 53 for more details

If a posting is successful, the Dispense History will appear similar to the one shown in FIG. 56. To view more detailed posting status, right-click on the Work Order Record and select View Posting Details (FIG. 56). Additional posting details will appear in a popup screen (FIG. 57). This information is also available in report format using Matrix Reporter.



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Graco 312353B instruction manual Add Parts To Work Order, Work Order Validation, Work Order Posting