No infantrestraint can guarantee protection from injury in every sit-
uation.However, proper use ofthis infant restraint reduces the risk
ofserious injury or death to your child.
Failureto properly use this infant restraint increases the risk of
seriousinjury or death in a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash.
YourchildÊ s safety depends on you installing and using this infant
Evenif using this infant restraint seems easy to figure out on your
own,it is very important to READ, UNDERSTAND ANDFOLLOW
The manualis located in a pocket on the back of the infant
Youmust also read your vehicle ownerÊ s manual.
YourchildÊ s safety depends on:
1.Choosing a suitable location in your vehicle. Some seating
positions,such as those equipped with air bags, may not be safe
locationsfor this infant restraint.
2.Inserting the harness straps in the proper slots for your child.
3.Properly securing your child in the infant restraint.
4.Placing infant restraint/base in a rear-facing position.
1.0Warnings to Parents and Other Users