LATCHcan be used IN PLACE OF the vehicle belt system. Please refer
to vehicleownerÊ s manual for LATCH locations.
DONOT use any of the followingsystems to secure the infant restraint.
LapBelts with Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)
This lap belt staysloose and can move until it locks
in a crashor sudden stop.
CombinationLap/Shoulder Beltwith Retractor
Each straphas a retractor at one end and is attached to
thelatch plate at theother end.
PassiveRestraint - Lap Belt with
MotorizedShoulder Belt
PassiveRestraint - Lap or
ShoulderBelt Mounted on Door
DO NOTuse vehicle belts that
are attachedto the door in any way
orthat move along a track to
automaticallysurround the
passengerwhen the door is closed.
Lap Belts Forwardof Seat Crease
6.2.1 UNSAFEVehicle Belt Systems