"Just spit it out," General Strauss said.
Wagner swallowed and resisted the urge to meet Ackerson's
eyes. "When the Covenant destroys a planet, they typically move
their large warships closer and blanket the world with a series of
crisscrossing orbits to ensure that every square millimeter of the
surface is covered with plasma bombardments."
"I'm painfully aware of Covenant bombardment doctrine,
Lieutenant," Hood growled. "What of it?"
"As I indicated, they started at the poles, but took in only a few
ships. They were spread thin along the equatorial latitudes, and
no additional ships were inbound. In fact, a large number of
Covenant ships abandoned the system, in pursuit of the Pillar of
Ackerson waved his hand dismissively. "Reach is glassed,
Lieutenant. If you had stayed to watch the whole show, they
would have burned you down, too."
"Yes, sir," Wagner replied. "If, however, there is a recon mis-
sion, I would like to volunteer for the duty."
Ackerson got up and strode to Wagner. He stood a centimeter
from his face, and their eyes locked. Ackerson's gaze was full of
poison. Wagner did his best not to recoil, but he couldn't help it.
One look and he knew this man wanted him dead—for whatever
reason: that he had heard of Ackerson's alternative program to
the SPARTAN-IIs, that he didn't want trouble over Reach... or
maybe, as Lysithea had warned him, that he was just looking for
someone's head to impale on a pike.
"Are you deaf, Lieutenant?" Ackerson asked with mock con-
cern. "Some kind of hearing loss due to combat action?"
"No, sir."
"Well, when you push the limits of Slipspace in those little
Prowlers, you risk all kinds of radiation damage. Or maybe the
trauma of seeing Reach destroyed shook you. Whatever your
problem, when you leave here you are to visit the infirmary.
They are to give you a clean bill of health before you return to
active duty." He shrugged. "There must be something wrong
with you, Lieutenant, because you do not seem to understand me
even though my words are crystal clear."
"Let's try this, then. We are not wasting a single UNSC ship to