empty star field, and the frozen video of Dr. Halsey and Locklear
in the launch bay. "I want Corporal Locklear on the bridge ten
minutes ago. Lieutenant Haverson, have Cortana locate him.
Then I want you personally to escort that ODST up here."
Haverson swallowed. "Yes, sir." He marched to the elevator,
and Cortana told him, "He's on B-Deck, Lieutenant, medical
storage. He's not answering my COM page." The elevator shut.
"Chief, you're on the Engineering console," the Admiral said.
"Cover the NAV station, too."
"Yes, sir." He moved to the Engineering station's monitors.
There were thirty-five minutes to go on the shakedown cycle of
the reactors and engines.
"Contact," Cortana said. "Bearing zero-three-zero on the so-
lar plane. One—correction, two—Covenant cruisers. They're
not moving. Maybe they haven't spotted us."
"It never rains when it can monsoon," the Admiral declared.
"They can't help but see us, Cortana, with all the radio chatter,
ships, and leaking radiation. I bet they're just figuring out how
best to kill us."
Governor Jiles turned to someone off screen, and then said,
"Admiral Whitcomb, given this new development I would like to
evacuate my people off the Gettysburg and out of harm's way."
"Of course, Governor. Do what you have to."
The number three screen snapped off, and the stars reappeared.
"And I'll do what I have to, too," Admiral Whitcomb said.
"Cortana, halt the reactor and engine shakedown."
"Sir? There are risks—"
"I want them online now. Don't tell me what the risks are. Just
"Yes, sir," she said.
"Master Chief, get this crate ready to move and stay on your
toes. We'll need every trick in the book to outmaneuver two
"Affirmative, Admiral." The Chief observed the shakedown
cycle halt and Ascendant Justice's reactors restart. Radiation in-
dicators redlined, and then dropped to a hairbreadth ... which
was technically considered safe. The Gettysburg's engines shud-
dered to life. The Chief felt the vibration though the deck half a
kilometer away. "Reactors are hot, sir," he reported.