"So what's the story?" Locklear demanded. "We got some-
thing to shoot here?"
"At ease, Marine," the Sergeant growled. "Use that stuffing
between your ears for something besides keeping your helmet
on. Notice we're not floating? Feel those gee forces? This ship is
in a slingshot orbit. We're coming around the moon for another
crack at the Covenant."
"That's correct," the Chief said.
"Our first priority should be to escape," Haverson said and his
thin brows knitted in frustration, "not to blindly engage the
Covenant. We have valuable intelligence on the enemy, and on
Halo. Our first priority should be to reach UNSC-controlled
"That was my intention, sir," the Chief replied. "But neither this
Longsword nor your Pelican is equipped with Shaw-Fujikawa
engines. Without a jump to Slipspace, it would take years to
Haverson sighed. "That does limit our options, doesn't it?"
He turned his back to the Chief and paced, deep in thought.
The Master Chief respected the chain of command, wnich
meant that he had to obey Lieutenant Haverson. But, officer or
not, the Spartan had never liked it when people turned their
backs to him. And he certainly didn't like the way Haverson as-
sumed he was in charge.
The Chief had already gotten his orders, and he intended to
follow them—whether or not Haverson approved.
"Pardon me, sir," the Chief said. "I must point out that while
you are the ranking officer, I am on a classified mission of the
highest priority. My orders come directly from High Command."
"Meaning," John continued, "I have tactical command of this
crew, these ships. . . and you. Sir."
Haverson turned, his expression dark. The Lieutenant's mouth
opened as if he were going to say something. He closed his
mouth and looked the Chief over. A faint smile flickered over his
thin lips. "Of course. I am well aware of your mission, Chief. I'll
do anything I can to assist."
He knew about the Spartan's original mission to capture a
Covenant Prophet? What was an ONI officer doing here anyway?