She nodded.
Will grunted. He had never liked his formal name.
She knew this annoyed them all—how she was always able
to tell who they were despite the MJOLNIR armor. She had
grown up with them, knew their every gesture and their indi-
vidual walks. She could have never called them by their number
designations: SPARTAN-104, -087, -039, -029, and -043,
Dr. Halsey tapped a control pad. The vault door eased silently
shut, its seams vanished, and, with a sharp, metallic click, it
"We have access to Aqua, Scarlet, and Lavender Levels," she
told them. "Follow me to the medical wing." She proceeded
down a concrete hallway with a high arched ceiling, recessed
lights, and security cameras. "I know the Covenant entered
the Epsilon Eridani system at approximately oh-five-hundred
hours. ONI Section Three staff evacuated this facility at
oh-five-thirty hours. I assume you're not here to let me know it's
safe to come out?"
"Yes, ma'am," Fred replied. "I mean, no, ma'am. It's not safe.
The Fleet engaged the Covenant, but the enemy managed to land
ground forces on Reach. We were sent to the surface to protect
the orbital-gun generators." He stopped, took a deep breath, and
continued. "We were not successful in that mission. Covenant
forces overwhelmed our position." He glanced back at Kelly and
the other Spartans. "We fell back here.. . we thought it would be
They continued down the sloping passage; titanium doors
irised open for them and closed as soon as they passed.
"I see," Dr. Halsey replied. "And Captain Keyes? John?"
"Unknown," Fred told her. "The Master Chief and part of our
team attempted to retrieve an unsecured NAV database from an
orbital station before the Covenant got to it. Assuming he was
successful, and given Captain Keyes's record of combat against
the Covenant..." Fred's voice trailed off.
"I'm sure they accomplished their mission and escaped," Dr.
Halsey said, finishing the thought for him. "John has never lost."
"No, ma'am," Fred replied.