unknown\ Captured Covenant flagship Ascendant Justice, in

anomalous Slipspace bubble.

The Master Chief woke.
Consciousness, however, was a slight overestimation of his
condition. His blurry vision came into focus slowly... but there
was nothing to see except the interior of his visor. Amber status
lights winked on.
Pain washed over his feet, his right thigh, and his hand. Good.
He was alive. He knew from previous experience that this was
the tail end of shock ... and the stunning, numbing effects of
that state were wearing off.
He felt the familiar weight and reactive circuits of his MJOLNIR
armor surrounding him. The coppery-tinged flavor of biofoam
coated his mouth, so he also surmised that his injuries had been
recently treated.
And there was gravity. The press against his back was a great
comfort to the Master Chief. The next time someone wanted him
to go on a zero-gee op, he'd—
"Welcome back," Cortana said, interrupting his thoughts. A
faint light flickered on to his left.
He turned onto his side. The burns on his extremities pro-
tested and shot lances of pain up his hand and feet.
He was in a med bay. The lights were turned down low, and he
saw that he was the only person occupying a recovery bed.
Bio-monitors pulsed along one wall, displaying his vital signs
and MRI snapshots.
A holographic projection pad stood next to his bed. Cortana's