traitor Colonel Watts. Yet Jiles's guards glared at John as if they
knew everything.
As the Master Chief stepped into the corridor, Cortana in-
formed him: "This passage is from a UNSC cargo vessel, ripped
out and reinforced with a bulkhead every ten meters. Airtight
and tough. This place can take a lot of damage before buckling."
"Good place for an ambush, too," the Master Chief said, and
kept one eye on his motion tracker.
They were being followed. Three contacts behind them, and
three ahead, keeping pace.
The Master Chief had an urge to step in front of the Admiral
and Dr. Halsey and clear the passage with a burst of fire. But this
situation required diplomacy, something John was ill suited for.
He wished the Admiral had taken John's suggestion to bring
more Spartans with him. Or at least to have two of them infiltrate
while the Admiral and this Jiles spoke.
They were led to a circular room. Half the far wall retracted,
revealing thick red velvet curtains, which also slowly pulled
away and exposed the half-meter-thick windows that overlooked
the asteroid field. Beyond was a gentle ballet of rocks tumbling,
rotating, and bouncing off one another in slow motion.
Men carried in a long table, threw a white silk cloth over it,
and smoothed it down. Then a succession of women carried in
silver trays heavy with fruit, steaming meats, and chocolates,
and a dozen decanters sloshing with amber, ruby, and clear
Padded chairs were brought in for them all. "Please." Jiles
motioned toward Dr. Halsey and he pulled out a chair for her.
"Relax and sit down."
The Master Chief took up a position by the door where he had
a clear view of the entire room. Fred made sure the corridor was
empty and then sealed the door.
The Chief checked behind the curtains for hidden men, sur-
veillance devices, or false passages.
"Cortana?" he whispered.
"Looks clear," she said. "I'm not detecting anything. Walls
are half a meter of Titanium-A."
"We're clear," the Master Chief told the Admiral.
Dr. Halsey finally sat in the proffered chair, smoothed her