trate, kill, and blow shit up. If there's room in this operation for
an ODST, pencil me in."
The Master Chief looked to the data pad, then to his team,
Locklear, and the Sergeant. They were right: For the first time,
they'd know when and where the Covenant would be. If they hit
the enemy hard enough, they could stop them before the Cove-
nant hit Earth... and delay Armageddon.
The Master Chief gave rapid-fire orders:
"Fred, Will: Get Linda's suit back together ASAP.
"Locklear, you're on weapons detail again. Scrounge every
pistol, rifle, ammo bag, and scrap of explosives on this vessel
and haul it to Ascendant Justice's launch bay.
"Grace, Linda, and Sergeant Johnson: Get that Covenant
drop-ship ready for its last flight. Reinforce the hull for a
Slipspace-to-normal-space transition.
"And I'll take this plan to Admiral Whitcomb—make him see
that it's the only way. We're going to take this fight to the Cove-
nant. We're going to launch a first strike."