onto Fred with one arm, and in her free hand she clutched the
Fred's motion tracker showed dozen of targets behind them,
then hundreds.
A pair of detonations thumped, an overpressure wave blurred
his motion tracker, subsided, and then half of those contacts
were gone.
Will and Fred ran into an arched passage set in the wall of the
great room. Kelly crouched in the hallway and fired past them
with her pistols.
Fred opened his COM. "SPARTAN-029. SPARTAN-039.
Static hissed through his speaker. Vinh's and Isaac's lights re-
mained dark.
"Prep your det sack and seal this passage," Fred ordered Kelly.
Fred set down Dr. Halsey, turned, and bumped up his display's
Hundreds of Covenant Elites and Jackals poured from the
grav shaft. They swarmed over the floor of the great chamber, a
living tide as unstoppable as the ocean.
They weren't shooting anymore, though. Dr. Halsey was cor-
rect: They wanted the crystal she'd taken.
"Go!" Fred said. "Kelly, blow the hallway. Let's move."
Kelly hesitated a heartbeat; Fred saw her searching for Vinh
and Isaac in the mass of Covenant. They weren't there; not alive
anyway. Kelly dropped the olive-green satchel of high explosives.
Will picked up Dr. Halsey, and they all ran deeper into the
Five seconds later the satchel detonated. A wave of acrid air
washed up the hallway and choked the corridor with dust and
Kelly took the lead position, both pistols ready; she rounded a
corner—and skidded to a halt.
The passage was a dead end.