given when the UNSC had a fleet, and when Reach was still an
intact military presence. All that has changed."
The Master Chief couldn't disagree with what she was say-
ing ... but there was something else in her voice. And for the
first time, John thought that Cortana might be hiding something
from him.
"We have intact ship-scale plasma weapons and new reactor
technologies," Cortana continued. "Imagine if every ship could
maneuver with pinpoint precision in Slipspace." She paused.
"The UNSC could be just as effective in space as you are in
ground engagements. We could actually win this war."
The Master Chief frowned. He didn't like the Lieutenant's or
Cortana's arguments—because they made sense. Aborting his
mission was unthinkable. He had always finished what he started,
and he'd always won.
As a professional soldier, John was ready to give up anything
for victory—his personal comfort, his friends, his own life if
that's what it took—but he'd never considered that he'd have to
sacrifice his dignity and pride as well for the greater good.
He sighed and nodded. "Very well, Lieutenant Haverson.
We'll do it your way. I hereby relinquish my tactical command."
"Good," Haverson said. "Thank you." He faced the others and
continued, "Sergeant? You, Polaski, and Locklear get back down
to the Pelican and grab whatever gear wasn't smashed to bits.
Look for a field medkit, too, and then get back up here, double
"Yes, sir," Sergeant Johnson said. "We're on it." He and Po-
laski headed for the door, tapped the control, and let the panels
slide apart.
Polaski shot a stare at the Master Chief over her shoulder;
then, shaking her head, she followed the Sergeant.
"Shit," Locklear said, checking his rifle as he loped after them.
"Wait up! Man, I'm never going to get another hour's sleep."
"Sleep when you're dead, Marine," the Sergeant said.
The bridge doors sealed.
Haverson said, "Plot a course back to Earth, Cortana, and
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant Haverson," Cortana said. "I can't do
that. A direct course to Earth would be in violation of the Cole