Keep all equipment and accessories out of the reach of small children.
Do not place heavy objects on the equipment.
Do not use the battery except as specied.
Use only the battery type specied for use with the CF digital back.
Remove the battery wh en cleaning t he back or if you intend to l eave it un-
used for a long period.
If you use a spare (standa rd or rechargeable) batter y be particularly caref ul
when storing. There is a potential re risk if the contact s are short circ uited
across a conductive object (such as keys in a pocket, for example).
Take particular care when working with strobe / studio ash units to prevent
damage to equipment and personal injury.
Do not attempt to open the CF digital back.
Always replace the p rotective sensor lter cover when the digital b ack is not
mounted on a camera.
Do not touch the exposed sensor lter with your ngers.
Ensure that the databus connections are not damaged or soiled in any way.
Keep all foreign objects out of the CF digital back openings .
Keep the original shipping boxes for storage.
Keep your C F digit al back and al l other comput er equi pment away fr om
moisture. If your CF digital bac k becomes wet, disconnect fro m power and
allow it to dry before attempting to operate again.
Never cover the ventilation openings on a CF digital back when in use.
Never try to re move the gla ss IR filt er from the front of t he sensor; this will
probably ruin the senso r. If dust manages to ge t between the se nsor and IR
lter, please contact your Hasselblad dealer for assistance.
Avoid frequent and severe temp erature changes and be particu larly careful
in humid environments. Allo w the equipment to acclima tize whenever pos-
sible before use. Try to ensure the storage conditi ons in such env ironments
are as dry as possible.
Prevent dust and grit from getting into your equipment. In coastal areas take
measures to protect your equipment from sand and salt water spray.
Avoid physical shocks to the CF digital back. Some form of protec tive case or
camera bag is advised for transportation.
Hasselblad equip ment is m uch soug ht after and you should tak e obvious
steps to prevent theft. N ever leave it visibl e in an unattend ed car, for exam-
ple. Separate and specic camera i nsurance cover shoul d be considered b y
professional users.
Return your equipment to a service centre for occasional checking and
preventive maintenance to ensure optimal reliability.
Provided that you bought y our equi pment fr om an au thorized
Hasselblad outlet, it is covered by an international guara ntee for one
year. The guarantee document and a registration card are supplied with
a CF digital back. Keep the guarantee document carefully, but ll in the
registration card and return it to your Hasselblad distributor.
If you need to dispose of a CF digital back, Imagebank and/or batteries,
please do so in an environmentally friendly manner at the local waste
plant/ recycling centre or similar.
Equipment care, Service and Guarantee