The information in this manu al is furni shed for in formation al use
only, is subjec t to chan ge witho ut notice , and sho uld not b e con-
strued as a commitment by Victor Hasselblad AB & Has selblad A/S.
Not all th e ima ges in this m anual were t aken w ith a Hassel blad
H3D. They a re used for il lustrat ive pu rposes only a nd are not in -
tended to rep resent t he imag e qualit y prod uced by a Hasselb lad
The text in this m anual canno t be reprin ted or reuse d without th e
express permission of Victor Hassel blad AB & Hasselblad A/S .
The images in th is manual c annot be re printed o r reused wi thout
the express permission of the photograp hers who took them.
All text in this manual :
© Victor Hasselblad AB & Hasselblad A/S .
All images in this manual :
© Jens Karlsson/Hasselblad and David Je ery.
© Francis Hills/www.gjamstudios .com
Victor Hassel blad AB & Hasselb lad A/S assumes n o respon sibilit y
or liabilit y for any erro rs or i naccura cies th at may a ppear in this
Victor Hassel blad AB & Hasselb lad A/S assumes n o respon sibilit y
or liability for loss or damage incurred du ring or as a result of using
Hasselblad software or produc ts.
Hasselblad, Imacon, Ixpress and FlexColor are trade marks of Victor
Hasselblad AB & Hasselbla d A/S. Adobe and Adobe Photosh op are
trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. Macintosh, Mac OS and FireWire
are registered trademar ks of Apple Com puter, Inc. Info Lithium is a
registered trademark of Sony Corporation .
Copyright © 2006Victor Hasselblad AB & Hasselblad A/SAll rights reserved.