CF-Flash card (2 GB) Flash sync output cable

Flash sync input cable

FireWire cable Grey Card Nylon Case


Computer system requirements
Digital les naturally end up on a computer for processing. Image-storage and correction
requires a certai n minimum standa rd regarding computer capabil ities. Large images
will require a hig h-performance computer with plenty of memory, advanced g raphics
capabilities and a recent operating s ystem. In most cases, the computer should include
a FireWire 800/400 connector, which wil l enable you to load images direct ly from the
camera or Imageba nk. To load images store d on the removable compact-as h card,
you could instead use a compact-ash card reader, but FireWire is recomme nded for
maximum exibility.
A CF digital back saves images as 3FR le s which are Hasselblad r aw digital-camer a
capture standards. From FlexColor, you can optimize and then export t he les to DNG
or TIFF or JPEG formats instead if you wish. A CF digital back includes the Hass elblad
FlexColor image-capture a nd editing application and native versions of Fle xColor are
provided for both Macintosh and Windows platforms. Please see the FlexColor manual
for complete system requirements.
Warnings and re strictions
Keep the digital back (and all computer equipment) away from moisture wherever
possible. If your camera becomes wet, disconnect from power and allow it to dry
before attempting to operate again.
Always take great care when you remove the se nsor back for cleaning—the ex-
posed CCD sensor is vulnerable to damage.
Keep all cables connec ted to or from your camera and computer out of the way
where they will not be tripped over.
Never cover the ventilation openings on a CF digital back when the unit is on.
Before you sta rt
Leave protective covers on as much as possible. A CF digital back, in line with all Hasselblad
products, has a robust constr uction and is capable of with standing fairly rough t reat-
ment but nevertheless is a precision instrument and will serve you longer if treated with
respect from the beginning.
Please keep purchase details and the warr anty in a safe place.
In addition to the digital back itself, a CF User Manual CD, the FlexColor sofware CD and a FlexColor user manual CD, the items illustrated below
are also included. If anything is missing or seems faulty in any way then you should contact your Hasselblad dealer immediately.