Advanced Techniques
16x9:16x9 Mode
The picture format can be switched from the 4:3 (the picture format of an ordinary TV set) to 16x9. The top and bottom of the picture in the viewfinder become black bars.
NEGPOS: Negative/Positive Mode
The image in the viewfinder or on the LCD monitor will become negative.
ZM:2:x400 Digital Zoom Mode
Slide and hold the power zoom control to the 'q'"side until you reach your desired magnification.
• This function can magnify an image up to 300 times when instant zoom is used at the same time.
MIRROR: Half-Mirror Mode
The image in the viewfinder will change to a symmetric image on the left and right, obtained by placing a mirror at the center of the screen.
Note: This | function | cannot | be Used With digital Zooml instant ZoOm, image stabilizer | or Zoom fade functionl | 1 |
Note: The | subject | image will be compressed in the horizontal direction and narrow | slightly. |
| |
MOSAIC: | Mosaic | Mode |
The image in the viewfinder or on the LCD monitor will be in mosaic.
Note: This function cannot be used with digital Zoom instant z00m function.
Note: The subject mage W be Compressed n the hor Z0nta d rect on and narrow S ght y.
"ART": Art Mode