Enter dates, times, text, and telephone numbers
Enter dates, times, text, and telephone numbers
Use these buttons when menu items ask you to enter dates, time or text.
•If the date format seems unfamiliar, check that you selected the correct one for your country when setting up your HP Fax (see Set the date and time on page 49).
•Some items on the display will show up with the blinking cursor under the item to change. Simply press the key for the new character or number or use the !"to move to the one you want to change.
•To enter a pause in a telephone number, press Redial/Pause. A P will appear in the display. Press the button multiple times for a longer pause.
•When entering text, press the phone pad button repeatedly to scroll through the characters. Use the following table for reference.
Most text fields
The letters and numbers scroll as shown next to each button for text fields such as the phone book. Press the 2 to display an A and wait briefly for the cursor to advance before pressing 3 to select D. If you want a B, press 2 twice in rapid succession.
Table 2-1 Keys to enter text and numbers
Key | Produces |
1 | “space 1” |
2 | A B C 2 |
3 | D E F 3 |
4 | G H I 4 |
5 | J K L 5 |
6 | M N O 6 |
7 | P Q R S 7 |
8 | T U V 8 |
9 | W X Y Z 9 |
0 | + |
*nothing if text field, use the 0 key to enter *
#nothing if text field, use the 0 key to enter #
18 HP Fax basics