the HP Web Browser






Using the HP Web Browser Interface

The Web Browser Interface Screen Layout

The Alert Control Bar

The Alert Control Bar appears at the bottom of the Alert Log and contains buttons that enable you to manage the Overview Window.

Figure 3-11. The Alert Control Bar

The buttons in the control bar are:

Refresh – redraws the Alert Log screen and displays new alerts that have occurred since you opened or last refreshed this window.

Open Event – displays the detailed view of the highlighted alert; the same as double-clicking on the alert.

Acknowledge Selected Events – removes the New symbol from the entry. This feature is useful if you have more than one system adminis- trator working on a problem. It shows that someone has looked at it.

If an alert has not been acknowledged, the New label continues to appear in the Status column to the left of the Status Indicator. Once the alert has been acknowledged from either the Alert Log screen or the Detailed View screen, the New label is removed.

Delete Selected Events – removes an alert from the Alert Log.
