To create a user profile, follow these steps:

1.Log on as Administrator.

2.Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.3.Double-clickComputer Management.

The Local Users and Groups window opens.

4.Double-click the Users folder to view the contents in the right pane.

5.Click Action in the menu bar, and then click New User. The New User dialog box opens.

6.Type the user name and password, and then select the attributes you want.

7.Click Create, and then click Close.

8.In the Local Users and Groups window, click the Users folder in the left pane.

9.In the right pane, double-click the name of the user you just created. The Properties dialog box opens.

10.Click Member Of, and then click Add. The Select Groups dialog box opens.

11.Type Administrators in the Enter the Object Names to Select box.

12.Click Check Names, and then click OK.

The newly created user is now a member of both the Administrator and User groups and should match the privileges of the default user account.

18 Chapter 3 Configuration