4 Applications
Remote Desktop Connection
The Remote Desktop Connection utility allows you to establish connections to a Windows Terminal Server or to access remote applications by using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
For additional information on how to use the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection utility, go to the Microsoft Web site at http://www.microsoft.com.
HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS)
HP RGS is an advanced utility that allows a user to access and share the desktop of a remote computer over a standard network. All applications run natively on the remote computer and take full advantage of the computer and graphics resources of the sending computer.
TeemTalk Terminal Emulation
All computer models include terminal emulation software to support computing on legacy platforms. The software uses the Telnet protocol to communicate with the computing platform. Refer to the terminal emulation documentation (supplied separately) for instructions.
▲To access the TeemTalk Connection Wizard and the TeemTalk Emulator, select Start > All Programs >
HP Device Manager
HP Device Manager is a management solution that communicates with a large number of HP thin clients, and provides remote and asset management, reporting, and security. HP Device Manager is based on
HP Client Automation
HP Client Automation allows an administrator, who works from a single console, continuous visibility into the state of client devices, and reduces the complexity and effort of maintaining the appropriate software, security patches, and operating system images. For additional information about HP Client Automation, go to the HP Web site at http://www.hp.com/go/clientautomation.
Remote Desktop Connection 19