I connected the USB cable, but I am having problems using the HP All-in-One with my computer

Solution You must first install the software that came with your HP All-in-One before connecting the USB cable. During installation, do not plug in the USB cable until prompted by the onscreen instructions. Connecting the USB cable before prompted can cause errors.

Once you have installed the software, connecting your computer to your HP All-in- One with a USB cable is straightforward. Simply plug one end of the USB cable into the back of your computer and the other into the back of the HP All-in-One. You can connect to any USB port on the back of your computer. For more information, see Troubleshooting common setup issues.

I received a message on the control panel display to attach the control panel faceplate

Solution This might mean the control panel faceplate is not attached, or it is attached incorrectly. Make sure to align the faceplate over the buttons on the top of the HP All-in-One and snap it firmly into place.


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