For More Information
If you want more information about arrange- ment of work space and equipment or safety standards,consult the following references:
"American National Standard for Human Factors Engineering ofVisual DisplayTerminal Workstations,"ANSI/HFS Standard No. 100- 1988. Human Factors Society, Inc., P.O. Box 1369, Santa Monica, CA 90406.
Working Safely withYour Computer.Washington, D.C.: National Safety Council,1991.
Or write to: |
| |
American National Standards | Human Factors and Ergonomics | |
Institute | Society | |
11West 42nd St. | ANSI/HFS | |
NewYork, NY 10036 | P.O.Box 1369 | |
TEL: (212) | Santa Monica, CA | |
FAX: (212) | TEL: (310) | |
http://www.ansi.org | FAX: (310) | |
EMAIL: info@ansi.org | http://hfes.org | |
National Institute for Occupational | EMAIL: hfes@compuserve.com | |
International Standards Organization | ||
Safety and Health (NIOSH) | ||
NIOSH Publications | (ISO) | |
4676 Columbia Pkwy,MS | Central Secretariat | |
Cincinnati, OH | International Organization for Standardization | |
TEL: (800) | 1,rue deVarembé | |
FAX: (513) | Case postale 56 | |
http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ | ||
homepage.html | TEL: +41 22 749 01 11 | |
EMAIL: pubstaft@cdc.gov | FAX: +41 22 733 34 30 | |
| http://www.iso.ch | |
| http://www.iso.ch/infoe/stbodies.html | |
| EMAIL: central@iso.ch |