Chapter 7 Optimizing your HP Jornada 139

Displaying power and memory information

The HP Settings window also displays the power status of your main battery. The Memory tab shows the available Program memory, Storage memory, and Storage Card memory.

On the Memory tab, tap to start the System Properties dialog,


at any time in the HP settings window, tap to display the

Power Properties dialog.


This section provides some tips to safeguard your

HP Jornada—and the data it holds—from theft or loss.

Adding owner information

If you lose your HP Jornada, owner properties can provide an easy way for someone to identify you as the rightful owner and return your HP Jornada. You may have entered your name and address as part of the MS Windows for H/PC 2000 Welcome Wizard. If you did not, or if you want to update your information (for example, to include the address of the hotel or office you are visiting), use the Owner control panel.

To add or change Owner properties

1.On the Start menu, point to Settings, and tap Control Panel.

2.Double-tap the Owner icon.

3.On the Identification tab, type your name, address, and/or phone number.

4.On the Notes tab, type any other information you want displayed (for example a temporary