Chapter 2 Getting started 25

Using the command bars

Each program has a command bar located at the top of the program window. The command bar displays both menu names and toolbar buttons. Tap the slider and drag to switch between displaying toolbar buttons only or menu names and toolbar buttons. You can drag the slider to display only the buttons and menu names you want. You can also drag the slider down to move the toolbar buttons under the menus.

Using Help on your HP Jornada

You can get Help for specific programs, including MS Windows for H/PC 2000, as follows:

For detailed procedures and overview information about a program, on the Start menu, tap Help, and then tap the program name.

For MS Windows for H/PC 2000 Help, tap the button in any program or dialog box where it appears.

To learn the function of a specific button or control, tap and hold on a toolbar button and its name will appear in a ToolTip. Drag the stylus off the toolbar button before lifting to avoid activating the button.