TIP: To read the entire message, tap Menu > Download Message while in the message window. If you are in the message list, tap and hold the message, and then tap Menu > Download Message. The message will download the next time you send and receive
The size column in the message list displays the local size and server size of a message. These numbers might differ because the size of a message can vary between the server and the HP iPAQ.
Install an online address book
1.If you are adding a new account, ask your network administrator for the name of the directory service and the server.
2.In the message list, tap Menu > Options > Address.
3.In the In Contacts, get
4.If your
5.If your
6.In the Directory name and Server boxes, enter the LDAP directory and server names.
7.Ask your network administrator if authentication is necessary for your server. If so, select the Authentication is necessary on this server check box, and enter your user name and password.
8.To have messaging check this service, select the Check name against this server check box.
TIP: To delete a service, tap and hold the service, and then tap Delete.
While synchronizing your Outlook
66 Chapter 11 Messaging