HP OmniBook 2000/5700 User’s Guide
This manual describes how to use the OmniBook with the Microsoft® Windows® 95 operating system. It focuses on the special
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Finding More Information
This OmniBook User’s Guide introduces the OmniBook and shows you how to operate your OmniBook. For more information about using your OmniBook, look in these additional places:
∙The OmniBook Installation and Setup Guide shows how to set up the operating system, install and connect accessories, and maintain and upgrade the OmniBook. It also includes troubleshooting information.
∙The Introducing Microsoft Windows 95 manual, shipped with your OmniBook, contains information about using the standard features of Windows 95.
∙The online Help for Windows applications provides information about those applications. Use the Help menu or Help button, or just press F1.
∙The OmniBook Notes icon gives
∙Many bookstores have books about Windows and
∙For updates to the BIOS and other technical information, connect to our Web site on the internet at http://www.hp.com/go/omnibook.
This manual and any examples contained herein are provided “as is” and are subject to change without notice.