Alt+E + Alt+V

Set the Vertical lost calibration speed thresholds used in the graphic draw


mouse test. The defaults limits are 200 to 400.

Alt+E + Alt+M

Set mouse bumper failure threshold. The default number of mickeys for this is


1000. The number reflects how much bumper compression is permitted before


a bumper is rejected.

Alt+E + Atl+S

Set sine mouse test threshold. For mice that exhibit sine wave patterns along


the left side of the screen, use this key to specify how much will be tolerated.


The default value is 10.

Alt+E + Alt+T

Set the lost mickey Time threshold. Use this command to specify the minimum


number of “timer tics” at which a mouse “mickey” error can occur. The default


value is 10 timer tics. See the Alt+E + Alt+C command and the mouse test



Alt+E + Alt+Z

Shell out from Diag to a command prompt. This can be used to run small


tasks, (e.g. copy files) without losing any current diagnostic settings. When


ready to return to Diag, type EXIT.

Commands for setting test parameters

The following table describes the various commands used to set test parameters within the diagnostics program.

Table 8 - Diagnostic Test Parameters




Set loop count limit for looping tests. By default 1 loop is run. If 0 loops are


specified, Diag will loop indefinitely. Other values will loop for the count specified.


Set wakeup Alarm delay after suspend. The OmniBook can be set to


automatically wake up after a suspend by setting a wakeup alarm of 1 to 59 hours,


minutes, or seconds. By default, no wakeup is scheduled. If an alarm delay has


been set and multiple test loops are set then Diag will automatically suspend at the


completion of each loop.


Set loop Delay interval. By default, looped testing runs as rapidly as possible with


no delays between loops. This command lets the user specify that each loop of


testing start from 1 to 59 hours, minutes, or seconds after the previous loop


started. No delay will occur if the tests have already run for the specified delay


time (for example, if 2 minutes of delay are specified and the tests selected ran for


2 minutes 10 seconds, then no delay would occur at the end of the loop.


Report System Hardware found. This test reports on various OmniBook


components. The following are reported: CPU speed (100, 133, 150, etc); Display


technology (TFT, DSTN); Hard disk capacity (814M, 1.4G, etc); Cache size (256,


512, etc) and state (ON,OFF); OS version (varies); system RAM (16M, 24M, …


80M); and disk volume id (varies).


Set Retries before reporting disk error. By default, 5 retries are permitted before a


disk error is reported. Specifying fewer retries will detect marginal media more


quickly. A related feature of Diag regarding soft read errors (checksum errors), is


that these sectors will be written back to disk to repair the checksum error.


Enter Suspend state. This command will put the OmniBook into an off state


similar to pressing the Off key. Once suspended, the OmniBook will remain off


indefinitely unless a wakeup alarm has been set with <Ctrl+A>.


Set Brightness 0-255. Specify a display brightness from 0 to 255 with this


command. This exceeds the normal range permitted with the brightness buttons


and can result in a blank display. Repeat the command with a less extreme value


to restore the display.