

Possible solution



System works improperly

Your HP Firebird uses the operating system and installed software

or stops.

programs during normal operation. If your system works improperly


or stops, you may be able to repair it using one of the two methods




Restart your HP Firebird


Restarting is the simplest method of repair for your system. When


you restart, the computer reloads the operating system and software


into its memory.


To restart your HP Firebird:


1 Close all open programs and windows.


2 Click the Windows Vista start


button, click the Arrow button next to


the Lock button, and then click Restart.




Turn off your HP Firebird


When you turn off your HP Firebird and then turn it on again, you


force the system to reload the operating system into its memory,


which clears some tracking information. This may eliminate some


problems that can remain after you perform a restart.


To turn off your HP Firebird:


1 Close all open programs and windows.


2 Click the Windows Vista start


button, click the Arrow button next to


the Lock button, and then click


Shut Down.


3 Restart your system by pressing the Power button on the left


side of the badge on the front of the HP Firebird.



Troubleshooting Computer Problems 53