
Possible solution



Postal code results

If program listings displayed in the Television Guide do not match your

do not match my

local channels after you have selected your postal code, do one of the

channels in Television



Select your city if it is listed: select a lineup at the bottom of the list if



it matches yours, or set the listings manually.


To manually set the Guide listings, open Media Center, select


Settings, TV, Guide and then select Add Missing Channels to


add channels. Select Set Up Guide Listings to turn off channels


you do not have or to change channel numbers to the correct


program information. If you do not know the channel (frequency)


information for your TV programs, check the setup of your TV or


contact your TV service provider for this information.


For detailed instructions, click the Help icon in Media Center.


If you have manually set your Guide listings, you may not be able to


download program listings to display in the Guide, but you will still be


able to schedule recordings and view programs from the added





I am getting a disk full

You may receive a disk full error message that is false. Confirm the free

error message.

space available on your hard disk drive: Click Start on the taskbar,


click My Computer, right-click the (C:) drive, and then select


Properties. View the pie chart.


If you have plenty of hard disk drive space available, close


Media Center and then open it.


If you do not have much free space, archive recorded TV programs, or


other data onto recordable CDs or DVDs, then delete them from your


hard disk drive. You can also uninstall unneeded software programs:


Click Start on the taskbar, click Control Panel, then click Add or


Remove Programs.


You can also perform disk cleanup: click Start on the taskbar, choose


All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click Disk


Cleanup and select the (C:) drive.


TV recordings in progress will be stopped and all scheduled recordings will be missed until the disk full error message is cleared and Media Center is restarted.

Troubleshooting 155