HP Performance Optimized Data Center (POD) 40c manual Information Description

Models: Performance Optimized Data Center (POD) 40c

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Average cooling system

Indicates cooling system sensor averages

performance data


System status

Indicates the status of the ECS system:


Green—All components within the ECS


system are operating within normal


parameters and no active ECS alarms exist.


Red—One or more of the ECS components is


indicating an alarm condition.



Manual mode indicators for

Indicates that the fans and dampers are running

fans and dampers

in manual mode

Fire and Manual override

Indicates whether the fire system is running in


manual or override mode

The ECS component icon colors indicate the component status:

Green—No alarm conditions exist and the component is operating within normal parameters.

Red—An alarm condition for that component exists.

Bold numbering on a yellow background—Indicates that an instrument reading is outside of alarm limits.

For more information about alarm conditions, see "ECS alarms (on page 54)."

To navigate to another screen, select one of the buttons at the bottom of the screen. Additional buttons appear when working under the service-level password. The following figure shows the buttons for the service-level password. For more information, see "Navigating the ECS interface (on page 41)."

Environmental control system 44

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HP Performance Optimized Data Center (POD) 40c manual Information Description