all hosts group, 19 area border router, 61
configuration example, 75 area statement
in /etc/gated.conf file, 65 areas, OSPF, 63
example configuration, 65 AS, 23
See autonomous system Assigned Numbers Authority, 63 authentication in OSPF, 77 authkey statement
in /etc/gated.conf file, 69, 78 authtype statement
in /etc/gated.conf file, 77 autonomous system
areas, 61
boundary routers, 61 external routes, 81 obtaining a number for, 24 obtaining a number from IANA, 63 routing levels, 63
backbone statement in /etc/gated.conf, 76
backbone, OSPF, 62, 76 configuration example, 76
BGP routing protocol, 26 Border Gateway Protocol
See BGP routing protocol broadcast clause
in /etc/gated.conf file, 51, 52 broadcast network interface, 67, 68
cache_lifetime command in mrouted, 34
configuration gated, 45 mrouted, 31 OSPF protocol, 60
conv_config gated conversion tool, 49 converting gated
from 3.0 to 3.5.9, 49 to 3.5, 49
in OSPF, 79 cost clause
in /etc/gated.conf file, 67, 81
default router for gated, 90
defaultmetric statement in /etc/gated.conf file, 52
defaults statement
in /etc/gated.conf file, 80, 81 designated router
for OSPF, 68
designated router, OSPF, 64, 71
See DVMRP routing protocol DVMRP routing protocol, 17, 18
/etc/gated.conf file, 45 area statement, 65 authentication clause, 53 authkey statement, 69, 78 authtype statement, 77 backbone statement, 76 broadcast clause, 51, 52 checking syntax, 99 configuration classes, 45 cost clause, 67, 81 defaultmetric statement, 52 defaults statement, 80, 81 examples, 48
export statement, 80, 90, 97 exportinterval value, 82 exportlimit value, 82 hellointerval statement, 69, 72 import statement, 97 interface clause, 52, 67 metricin clause, 52 metricout clause, 52 multicast clause, 52 networks statement, 66 nobroadcast clause, 51, 53 nocheckzero clause, 51 nonbroadcast clause, 70, 73 noripin clause, 52, 59 noripout clause, 52, 57, 58 ospf statement, 64
passive clause, 57 pollinterval statement, 71, 73 preference clause, 51, 81, 94