Configuring gated
Configuring the RIP Protocol
Range: 1 – 16
•query authentication [none[[simplemd5] password]] specifies the authentication, if any, that is required for query packets that do not originate from routers. If authentication consisting of only a password is required, specify simple password or password. If the required authentication consists of a key that was created with the MD5 algorithm, specify md5. Default: none.
•interface is specified as one of the following (in the order of precedence): an IP address (for example,, a domain or interface name (for example, lan0 or lan1), a wildcard name (for example, lan*), or all (which refers to all interfaces). You can specify multiple interface statements with different clauses. If you specify a clause more than once, the instance with the most specific interface reference is used.
•noripin specifies that gated does not process any RIP information received through the specified interface. Default: ripin.
•noripout specifies that gated does not send any RIP information through the specified interface. Default: ripout.
•metricin specifies the incoming metric for all routes propagated to this node through the specified interface.
Default: kernel interface metric plus 1 (the default RIP hopcount)
•metricout specifies the outgoing metric for all routes propagated by this node through the specified interface.
Default: 0
•version 1 specifies that RIP Version 1 packets (as defined in RFC 1058) are sent; RIP Version 2 packets (defined in RFC 1388) are sent only in response to a Version 2 poll packet. version 2 specifies that RIP Version 2 packets are sent to the RIP multicast address or to the broadcast addresses. You can specify how the packets are sent with the multicast or broadcast clauses. version 2 multicast implies that you want to send Version 2 packets (containing subnet mask information). version 2 broadcast implies that you want to send Version 2 packets. If you do not specify a version, version 1 is assumed.
52 | Chapter 3 |