■Extensive MUI support: English, French, German, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, and Japanese
HP provides this client “ready to go” out of the box to meet most common customer requirements. You may want to add/remove features, and customize it to your specific needs.
This guide will introduce you to the features of this client that are not found in the standard Microsoft Windows XP operating system.
Typically, a terminal is configured locally then used as a template for other terminals, which are then configured using local or remote administration tools.
HP provides
version at http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/support.html.
The XPe desktop
This section provides a general overview of Windows XPe user and administrator desktop features and functions.
User desktop
The desktop that displays when you are logged on as a user is a standard Windows XP desktop, with the exception that the only icons displayed are for the Citrix Program Neighborhood, Microsoft RDP, and Internet Explorer. These selections are also available from the Start menu. You can open the terminal emulator application from Start > Programs.
✎Links to remote ICA
www.hp.com | Quick Reference Guide |