HP-UX Integrated Login

Activating HP-UX Integrated Login

Activating HP-UX Integrated Login

The script /usr/sbin/auth.adm is provided to activate HP-UX Integrated Login and configure a system authentication policy. Until activated, all Integrated Login utilities retain standard HP-UX behavior. auth.adm activates Integrated Login by creating an appropriate /etc/pam.conf file.

When using HP-UX Integrated Login with the default DCE registry, users who configure DCE as the primary login technology should not configure UNIX as a fallback technology. See “Configuring ux as a Fallback Technology for DCE” later in this chapter for more information.

To activate HP-UX Integrated Login and configure an authentication policy, follow these steps:

1.Log in as root

2.Issue the auth.adm command, as follows:

/usr/sbin/auth.adm -i[nstall] -l tech_name [-b tech_name]\ [-a tech_name[:tech_name]...]\

[-p tech_name:param=value[:param=value]...]...


-ltech_name specifies the authentication technology to be used for system login. This specification is required.

ux—To specify the UNIX mechanism (/etc/passwd) dce—To specify the DCE Security Service

-btech_name specifies the authentication technology to be used for fallback login. This technology is used when the preferred login technology is unavailable or fails. This specification is optional. If no fallback technology is explicitly configured, there will be no fallback login in case of unavailability or failure of the login technology.

-atech_name[:tech_name] specifies the authentication technologies from which to obtain additional credentials after system login. This specification is optional.


Planning and Configuring HP DCE 1.7